Salisbury's Starcast Drama Company secured victory at the All England Drama Festival five Counties Youth festival finals on April 21.

Representing Hampshire, the young thespians performed a challenging play, 'Cut!' by Ed Monk, impressing adjudicators with their slick teamwork.

This victory brings their school year triumphs to 30 out of 32 events entered.

Principal Anna Would said: "These students have worked so incredibly hard to perfect a very difficult and mature play. Not only are they individually exceptional actors but when they come together as a team they are at a level beyond their years.

"My Director Peter McAuley has put so much time and effort in to pushing the students to reach their full potential and I’m overjoyed that all their hard work has paid off."

With a focus now on July's 'Aladdin the Musical', there is no doubt that these talented students will continue to shine in future performances.